Critical Praise for the performances of Lois Flood ...

    “Fantastique! I compliment you on your work, you seem to be a real Duncan, as my father would say! Keep on the good work!

        Ligoa Duncan (Isadora’s niece)

    A movement that embodies oceanic radiance

          —D.C. White, Bay Area News Group

    Fun and illuminating performance

          —Susan L. Ammons, Peninsula Jewish Community Center

    Everyone was entranced by your lyrical and evocative dancing. You are a national treasure, and we are very fortunate to have you in our community.”

          — Carol Yuke, San Ramon Library

    Magical. We were transported by your art.

          —Penny Johnson, Pleasanton Public Library

    Extremely engaging. Glowing feedback

          —Roberta Roth, Menlo Park Library

    The dances benefit so marvelously from your gift of movement ... the waft of beautifully colored silk costumes you designed. Elegance, refinement, yet popularly received

          —Toba Singer, San Francisco Public Library

    An aesthetic treat

          —Sandy Silver, Santa Cruz WILPF

    An exciting program. Marvelous interpreter. The connection  between the dance and the flowing lines of the cars of that period that we have on exhibition was dramatically evident. Our docent loved the fact that he could give you some further automotive information concerning Isadora’s life. Many, many thanks for an outstanding performance!

          —Nora E. Wagner, Blackhawk Museum

    Be sure to tell Lois that I was in the audience and that her performance was terrific.

          —Drew Johnson, Curator of Photography, Oakland Museum

    I thoroughly enjoyed it — and feel very proud of you for your devotion  to this  art form.”

          —Elizabeth Kanasky.

    Talented, brilliant, beautiful and your dance is demonstrative of your strength and deep expression and commitment to sharing the style of Isadora Duncan that only you could express as you do it from the core of your soul.”

          —Flo Leveranz

    You were beautiful to behold.”

          —Jean Harris

    Your performance last night was beautiful... the ease and grace of your movements made me want to hop on stage and participate.”

          —Lee Bigman

From Gentrain Society, Monterey Peninsula College, April, 2016

Lois Ann,

Thank you very much for your presentation about Isadora Duncan for The Gentrain Society at Monterey Peninsula College. My husband counted 150 attending (maybe a few more that he missed) which is a very successful attendance for our bimonthly presentations. Personally I really liked the way you did the presentation with enough bio about Isadora Duncan and probably the larger amount of the time with performance of different aspects of her dance. I also like how easily you adapted your articles of clothing, especially scarves, to the different dances. Since I got a number of phone calls prior asking about where this would be held, my guess is we got a number of new people attending our "Wednesday Lecture." There were some excellent questions at the end of the presentation and a number of people came to me afterwards suggesting we invite you back since you were limited in our hour long format to show a larger representation of Isadora's dances. Thank you again.

Terry Blum
Gentrain Society
Communications Co-director

From the Walnut Creek Public Library, March, 2016

Dear Lois Ann,

Thank you so much for forwarding the wonderful emails to me about last Thursday night's performance. I just want to reiterate how much we enjoyed having you perform at the Walnut Creek Library. Your audience was in complete awe of you and your interaction with them was so natural and inclusive. You had our attention from the very beginning and I can't think of a better way to start a performance of Isadora Duncan's dances than preparing and educating the audience with background on Isadora. Lois, the movement of the body was so beautiful and fluid and strong. It really was reminiscent of the undulation of waves or the movement of tree branches in the wind. What I found exciting was that Isadoa Duncan choreographed these dances a hundred years ago but the freshness and boldness of the dances still hold up. They are timeless. I was also very impressed by the large number of school aged girls who came to the performance and would like to commend you on your tireless efforts to address the importance of celebrating a strong Bay Area native female and role model for the younger generation. I look forward to working with you again in the future on another program about Isadora Duncan.

All my best,
Rita Carrasco
Walnut Creek Public Library

From Gentrain Society, Monterey Peninsula College, April, 2016

Lois Ann,

Thank you very much for your presentation about Isadora Duncan for The Gentrain Society at Monterey Peninsula College. My husband counted 150 attending (maybe a few more that he missed) which is a very successful attendance for our bimonthly presentations. Personally I really liked the way you did the presentation with enough bio about Isadora Duncan and probably the larger amount of the time with performance of different aspects of her dance. I also like how easily you adapted your articles of clothing, especially scarves, to the different dances. Since I got a number of phone calls prior asking about where this would be held, my guess is we got a number of new people attending our "Wednesday Lecture." There were some excellent questions at the end of the presentation and a number of people came to me afterwards suggesting we invite you back since you were limited in our hour long format to show a larger representation of Isadora's dances. Thank you again.

Terry Blum
Gentrain Society
Communications Co-director

From St. Joseph’s Cultural Center, Grass Valley


Just a note to thank you for coming to the Cultural Center to perform your fantastic interpretation of Isadora Duncan dances. At church yesterday, I had several ladies who were at your presentation express their pleasure and enjoyment of your performance. One of the ladies, Marta (who cried during your performance as she was so touched) would like to come to a workshop if you come to Grass Valley and she would like to invite her fellow exercise ladies to join her.

There was also another lady, Beth, who would like to get a group of her spiritual friends to come to your next presentation. I was a wee bit disappointed that we didn’t have more people there; however, as we discussed, the people who were there were meant to be there and sincerely appreciated your performance. For that I am forever grateful. I did get information from the grandmother of the beautiful child who danced with you (what a free spirit) and the two ladies we last talked with before you left.

Let’s stay in touch and let me know if I might help with getting you back here soon. Have a wonderful blessed day.


From Mountain Community Theater, Ben Lomond:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hi, Lois,

What a lovely article! It was a pleasure to read about the muses of dance, music and history coming together in one place!
One topic at the VWC Board meeting last night was the Lois Flood / Duncan Dance workshop, as announced at our annual general meeting. The outcome of the discussion was that we would like to have both workshop and performance events.
Two of our Board members, Peter and Steve, are very involved with Mountain Community Theater in Ben Lomond, where you presented the first Valley performance a year ago January. They are very interested in MCT being the venue for a performance — they have upgraded the facility and as long as it is available when you are, I think it would be great!
For workshops, perhaps one could be held at Park Hall (the MCT theater) and one at the Senior Center, especially if we are doing two workshops on the same day — they are only about 1/2 mile apart.
So please let us know what your upcoming events are and we can start planning!

Best regards,

Of an April, 2015 performance, Richelle writes:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dear Lois,

Sally and I thoroughly enjoyed your performance! You are such a generous artist! You give all of yourself without holding back! Watching you perform, I could feel everything Isadora was projecting ... some was so very joyful and some very resigned and full of bloom. It’s truly amazing that you have so much stamina and so much strength. And I’m talking not only physical! The emotional intensity you bring to the room is awe producing. You need no one’s help! Your strong, strong character has developed into a total FORCE!
It is such a pleasure watching an artist present their work .... but when that artist is a dear friend who I have come to love, it is just off the charts!
I am so very proud of you and your work!


A friend of her’s, Darlene wrote, “Thank you for arranging to have Lois entertain at our member's reception. All enjoyed her performance and one lady was brought to tears. I hope we will see more of Lois in the future.”

From the Oakland Public Library:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dear Lois,

Thank you for sharing the wonderful dance legacy of Isadora Duncan in your exquisite performance of her historic pieces at the Oakland Public Library. I, for one, was surprised to learn that Ms. Duncan grew up in Oakland, was mentored by an Oakland Public librarian and exalted by many famous people, including Rodin. What a special treat to learn about the mother of modern dance by someone who evokes her spirit so seamlessly. Your passion shines!

Warm regards,

Ajoke Kokodoko, Reference Librarian II, Oakland Public Library

And April McDonald wrote,

Dear Lois,

We really enjoyed your exceptional performance the other day at the Oakland Library.
We’re going to the Oakland Museum tonight and will ask how to make a suggestion for an Isadora Duncan exhibit there. I hope you will perform in their theater someday.

Thank you.
April McDonald

From the San Francisco History Association:

September 28, 2011

Dear Lois,

EXCELLENT PRESENTATION! What an enjoyable and interesting evening. To be able to bring not only some of the history of this remarkable woman to us but to actually show us her movements and interpretations from nature, the Greeks and the classics.

I was impressed with the variety of dances that you showed us and your costumes were marvelous. Totally depicting exactly how we would have imagines Isadora. Your partner, Gene, also did an excellent job. It was quite interesting to hear him read quotes from well known figures in history and how they perceived Isadora.

Obviously people were interested in your dance and talk as everyone was completely mesmerized. There were quite a few questions after your dance, all of which you answered as if you were a scholar of Isadora Duncan, which you are in several ways.

As with our best speakers, I had numerous people come up to me afterward and say how much they enjoyed your presentation. Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge, obviously your enthusiasm and keen interest in this special person who is a part of San Francisco's history.

Sincerely yours,
Kit Haskell, speaker coordinator

Regarding Lois’s September 10, 2011 performance at Isis Oasis in Geyserville, California:

Dear Lois,

Thank you so much for your amazingly beautiful performance on Sept. 10th at our Theater. You truly evoked the spirit of Isadora Duncan in our very midst. I am so grateful that I had an opportunity to see you in those gorgeous silken costumes that created such fantastic imagery on our stage. I hope we can arrange another time when we can offer your program again. It was so interesting and informative to hear about Isadora between the dances and we all left feeling we knew her so much better. It was a real tribute to her life that we will never forget. You are doing divine work to never let that form of sacred dance disappear. It is so incredibly heartfelt and profound.

With much love and gratitude from the Temple of Isis and the Isis Oasis Retreat Center

Rev. Loreon Vigné

Regarding Lois’s September 23rd performance at the Berkeley Commons Club:

From: Morton McDonald
Sent: Fri, September 23, 2011 4:16:31 PM
Subject: RE: City Commons Club Thank You!:

Lois Ann, you should have had a tape recorder of the many who came up to talk to you after your performance. Then, Ed’s comment below:

    “Your performances were very sensitive and exact in their intricate movements. The fact that our members could focus on just one dancer–instead of a troupe of people–brought real life and vigor to your various pieces. It was a distillation of dance and it was extremely effective and pleasing to watch.”

was essentially what I noted to you as the last of to speak to you after the talk … Ed’s observation, above, is right on. I think your audience’s ability to zero in on just ONE person’s interpretation is a huge advantage, versus watching a troupe all expressing themselves at once.
The other aspect I liked was your short vignettes with full explanation, especially the “Orpheus in Hades” rendition. My only wish was that you left for Q & A, but no one knew what they missed because they were transfixed by your dances.
My wife Googled Isadora Duncan and read to me about he tragic life – the scarf, love affairs, her kids’ deaths, her own. Not to mention “do you ever get splinters?”
Can you give me Karen Elyse’s [Lois’ narrator] email? I’d like to know more than she & I so briefly talked about after the performance. She’s a native Californian interested in its history, an interest of mine also with relatives to 1848-9 here as well.
Ed is our Club’s President, and Claudine & I are the two VPs, so going to all our every-Friday talks, we can tell what “sells.” Then, on the front steps, long time member Warren Jones, who has been under the weather for several past meetings, said how thrilled he was to come this time to see you.